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WPForms Basic Plugin

You are using the WPForms Basic Plugin and have subscribed to the Basic Plan which will renew annually. Your login credentials are included below.

How Many WPForms Are On My Site?

There are currently 3 Forms that are in use on this website and can be maintained under the WPForms administrators within the WordPress Admin area include:

  1. Newsletter Optin Form
  2. Volunteer Form
  3. Contact Form

Each form created with WPForm, allows you to easily configure: Fields, Settings, Marketing, and Payments options. You are not limited to the number of forms you can create.

How Do I See How Many Form Entries Were Submitted?

Select the WPForms > Entries tab in the WordPress admin. From there you can select the form you wish to see from the pull-down menu at the top. Note: It defaults to the first form listed which happens to be the Contact Form.

What Controls the Look of My Forms?

The developer has taken advanced steps to configure a custom style for each of the forms (colors, background colors, font-size, etc.) but this requires advanced knowledge of writing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and knowledge of how to safely update the custom WordPress Child Theme style sheet.

CAUTION: Only someone with advanced knowledge of how to access and change the child theme file should attempt to do so.

How Do I Access KAB’s WPForms Basic Plugin Annual License Account

To access your WPForms account login with the credentials below. To learn more about this plugin, go to WPForms.com.

Email:[email protected]
RENEWAL DATE : Apr 30, 2020
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