Two Trailers Filled with Supplies to Help Community Members Complete Community Projects

Keep Akron Beautiful has two trailers that are available to the community to borrow and use for community projects – the  Community Pride Trailer (CPT) and Litter and Illegal Dump Cleanup Trailer (CLT). 
The Community Pride Trailer is stocked with landscaping tools and cleanup supplies to assist residents with removing debris and doing beautification projects.  The Litter & Illegal Dump Trailer is stocked with litter collection tools and cleanup supplies to assist residents with removing litter and illegal dump sites from the community. 
The trailers are available for loan to City of Akron residents and community volunteer groups free of charge. Community Projects must be in the City of Akron and must be on public, nonprofit, or church property. There is a minimum of five volunteers needed to be committed to the project to make the group eligible for use of the trailer. A group can use one of the trailers for up to 3 days to complete their community project.
The trailers are booked on a first-come, first-served basis from May-September – weather permitting. Our crew drops off and picks up the trailer from approved project site. 



  • Must be used in Akron, Ohio.
  • Must have a minimum of 5 volunteers, aged 21 and older.
  • Project must be on public property (park, greenspace) or nonprofit. NO PERSONAL PROPERTIES!
  • Event must have Project Coordinator. 
  • Trailer may be borrowed for a maximum of three days.
  • Completion and submittal of trailer application and participant list to KAB two week prior to event. 
  • Project summary report completed and submitted no later than one week post event. 

The CPT with some students from St. Vincent St. Mary at a project. 

The CLT with members of The City of Akron Mayor’s Cabinet and staff from the Summit Lake cleanup in 2022. 

2023 Difference Made:

This year the Community Pride trailer was used to complete 24 projects with a total of 509 volunteers. Some of these projects included cleaning the community recreation area at the Carovillese Club, removing 500 bags of litter at Dart Ave with Turning Point Court, and constructing a new playground at Morgan Park with KABOOM!.

Special Thanks:

This program is Keep Akron Beautiful’s attempt at spreading urban beautification beyond the downtown Flowerscapes by reviving vacant land so the abandoned lots become safe, appealing spaces where community gardens, playgrounds, and/or gathering green spaces can be developed by neighbors.

The Community Pride Trailer CPT was made possible through initial grants fromLowes of Fairlawn, OH and the Citizens Bank Foundation.

The Litter & Illegal Dump Trailer was made possible through a grant from the Citizens Bank Foundation.