Loan-A-Receptacle Program

Keep Akron Beautiful loans out 50-gallon litter and/or recycling receptacles to assist with public litter control at public space events. These 50-gallon wax-coated cardboard trash and recycling containers are borrowed for use at downtown festivals, Lock 3 concerts, city park events, Soap Box Derby, Stan Hywet Hall events, movie night at Glendale Steps, etc. and returned for others to use. Starter bag supplied.

Our receptacles are graciously funded by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency & PepsiCo.

To reserve, please fill out the form below! 

Loan-A-Receptacle Program Stipulations

The following conditions apply to the Loan-A-Receptacle program:

  • Must be public site event space (vacant lots are not public areas).
  • Must agree to return borrowed trash/recycling containers in the best possible condition two business days following your event.
  • Do not write directly on the bins.
  • Reserve your trash/recycling containers at least one week but not more than one month prior to your event.
  • Pick up and drop off times should fall during business hours of M-F between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., unless prior arrangements have been made. No weekends or holidays.
  • Must load and unload your own vehicle.
  • Event trash must be tied and placed inside the venue site dumpster for city pickup or taken home and placed in your blue Akron Smart Cart for curbside trash pickup on your designated trash day.
  • Recycling taken and placed in your Akron Smart Cart recycle bin or dropped off at any City of Akron Fire Station and placed in their City of Akron toter. *** Keep Akron Beautiful encourages the separation of cans for the Akron Fire Departments’ philanthropic effort benefitting Akron Children’s Burn Unit. *** 

Loan-A-Receptacle Form

Contact Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I understand I will be held financially responsible for lost or damaged property. I understand that failure to return the receptacles after 14 days, I will be charged $30.00 per receptacle.

To Reserve Receptacles

  • Fill out the form above
  • If you have questions, call 330-375-2116 or  email us.
  • Keep Akron Beautiful will confirm with you appropriately.
  • Keep Akron Beautiful will plan to have your order ready for pickup in the lobby with your name.
  • We are located at the City Central Services building at 850 E. Market St. It is a white brick building located on the right, as you travel east on E. Market and right before Arlington Road. (It is where they work on police cars in the back garage.)
  • Enter building at glass doors under awning with Keep Akron Beautiful logo.
  • Drop off boxes in the lobby cubby (left off lobby as you enter).
  • Notify Keep Akron Beautiful upon return of borrowed receptacles.

Event tips

  • Plan your needs by counting for litter and recycling containers near food vendors, at entrance(s) and exit(s) and in locations throughout your event so guests have access to trash as they wander the space.
  • If you purchase extra bags, the litter bag dimensions are 40×45 or larger.
  • Suggested locations for buying bags: GFS (620 West Ave, Tallmadge, PH 634.9754), WalMart, Sam’s Club or DA Specialty (located at 589 Wolf Ledges, Akron, PH: 330-434-4531, which has 43×47 litter liners
  • Suggestion for large event efficiency: Line boxes with two bags and as the first bag gets full, pull it out, tie and dispose. You then have a bag already placed and ready to go!
  • If recycling at your event, know what can and can’t be included in recycling collection. For example, plastic cups, paper cups, plastic utensils, food wrappers and napkins, all belong in the trash.
  • Items that belong in the recycling should following same rules set forth by the City of Akron Recycling Division [link].
  • Make recycling easy for everyone in attendance by placing recycling bins near the trash. Clearly label the recycle bins with signs that are clear and visible. Using both words and picture of the recyclable items is a good idea. (Remember to remove all signs before returning to Keep Akron Beautiful and do not write directly on recycling bins.)