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  5. How Do I Move Staging Changes to Live Site in Flywheel?

How Do I Move Staging Changes to Live Site in Flywheel?

Moving your staging changes to your live site will result in overwriting any files or database changes. You can optionally move only portions of your site if you do not wish to overwrite everything.

Login into your Flywheel account.

Login Page:https://app.getflywheel.com/login
Password:Reference the Website Credentials Log

1. Click the Staging tab and then the “Move Staging Changes” button in the main menu (hint: next to the Advanced tab).

2. You’ll be prompted to check all three boxes and to enter your Flywheel account password.

3. You will get a message on screen and receive an email when your staging site has been pushed to production (aka Live Site)!

Your done. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

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